Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Great Gatsby Chapter 6 Question 3

Why did Daisy and Tom find Gatsby's party loathsome?


denisgingras said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party loathsome because his party has a lot of famous actors at his party. They also think that his party is loathsome because of all the people that are there.

Josh said...

Tom and Daisy are similar people. They both find gatsby's party loathsome because there arre so many people there that they are unfamiliar with and it is akward. there is just to many people at his parties.

Derek Stemmler said...

Nick is unfavorable towards Gatsby's party because they are not familiar with all of the people there. From previous parties of Gatsby's they attended, they knew people that attended. At this one, they did not. It caused them to get bored and Tom makes it worse by telling Daisy that Gatsby's fortune comes from bootlegging. This upsets Daisy and makes her to have an even more terrible time.

Sean Keane said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party loathsome because at this party, there are a lot of poeple who they don't know. Tom and Daisy get bored, so they don't like the party.

Vanessa Domond said...

They both found the party loathsome because there were many famous people there they did not know. Tom and Daisy felt out of place because of this

Arianna Miranda said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party loathsome becuase of mixe company.Many people are famous and Daisy and Tom know no one.

Dan McCarthy said...

Daisy and Tom find Gatsby's party loathsome because they are not comfortable there. The party is filled with famous people which Daisy and Tom have never met and have no intension of interacting with. They feel out of place at the party. The scene they were thrown into is just not for them. The did not approve of the crowded, crazy atmosphere and got out s soon as they could.

Maria said...

Tom and Daisy did not enjoy Gatsby's party because there were too many people. Tom seemed kind of dazed like he was bored. I think that Daisy was not happy because she is only happy when she is with Gatsby. She was stuck with Tom the whole time and he kind of brought her mood down.

Alyssa Sullivan said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party loathsome because they don't know anyone there and feel very uncomfortable opposed to the other parties when they knew everyone.

Kayla Reynolds said...

Tom and Daisy found Gatsby's party loathsome because there are so many famous people there and people that they do not know. They feel out of place because they do not go out much and they have never really been to a party like Gatsby's before.

Danielle Sugrue said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party a little loathsome because his party was filled with people who they did not know. It was a very hectic environment. The people there were all famous, wealthy people, TOm and Daisy are not.

Danielle Sugrue said...
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Ian Conway said...

Tom and Daisy find the party loathsome because they don't know anyone there but know that the are lowest on the social scale.

Anonymous said...

Tom and Daisy felt very loathsome at the party for a pretty obvious reason. They were the only ones who did not know anyone. They felt really out of place because the people that they were around were famous and probably had a lot of wealth. They probably felt like they did not belong.

Cam Shepard said...

Tom and Daisy find Gatsby's party loathsome because they aren't comfortable there. There are a ton of people they don't know and feel out of place, which is a horrible feeling at a party. Daisy is simply not enjoying herself, so they leave.

Anonymous said...

Tom and Daisy find the party loathsome because they see alot of famous actor and directors but because theres so many of them and they barely know any of them it makes the party akward.

Chuck Barbaro said...

As everyone else has said, Tom and Daisy share the mutual feeling that the party was loathsome. There were too many people there and not enough people actually knew Gatsby. Tom and Daisy felt awkward and out of place.