Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Great Gatsby Chapter 1 Question 4

Describe the Buchanan's house.


Derek Stemmler said...

The Buchannans live in a a very elegant and fancy home. Their house is described in the book as an elaborate, red and white Georgian Colonial mansion that overlooks the bay. The outside of their house consists of a large, beautifully kept lawn and garden, with a sun dial and a brick walkway. The house has a great number of windows in the front, and a large porch. Nick discovers that the inside of the house is extravagant as well, containing fancy rugs and objects. In total, the Buchannan household is very fancy and Daisy and Tom must be wealthy people.

Sean Keane said...

The Buchanon's live in the East Egg in New York. Their house is very large and fancy. It is right on the water, has a beautiful and large yard, and has a nice brick walkway. You can tell that the Buchanon's are wealthy because of their house. The inside is just as nice as the outside. There are many fancy objects in it that are described as very nice.

Dan McCarthy said...

The Buchanas's house is on the East Egg. It is an extravagant house. It is a huge mansion of Georgian Colonial style. The red and white house had a great overlook of the bay. The lawn of the house reached all the way to the beach. There were sundials and gardens leading to the house. The house contained a line of elegant French windows as well. The entire house was fancy and unmistakably the property of very wealthy people.

Lisa Russell said...

The home of the Buchnnans is in East Egg, New York. Their home is very big and very elegant. Their house is one of the biggest, you can tell that they are so wealthy because of the size of their house and the amount of land thye have. For example, the end of their lawn lead all the way to the beach. Inside their home, they own a lot of nice and fancy objects, so you could definately tell that they had money to their name.

Ian Conway said...

The Buchanan's live in east egg in a Georgian Colonel mansion where the lawn started at the beach and where the front is made of french windows, allowing light to pass through the large windows. The inside of the house is as great looking as the outside of the house.

Cam Shepard said...

The Buchanas's house is basically a mansion. Its a red and white house in East Egg, NY that overlooks a bay. Its a large, fancy, rich house. Gardens line the brick walkway that leads to the house. By the looks of the house one can infer that the Buchanas's are very wealthy.

josh the BIG GUY said...

The Buchannan's house is fancy. it is very open inside and it is right by the bay. the windows in the house gleam with light and are ajar. on the inside there are lots of expensive things and a huge couch.

denisgingras said...

The Buchannans live in a very large wealthy home. They own a large portion of land. They owned a Red and white mansion that had a lawn that started at the beach and ran all the way to the house for at least a quarter mile.

Kayla Reynolds said...

The Buchannans live in East Egg in an elaborate red and white Georgian Colonoial mansion overlooking the bay. The lawn started at the beach and the walkway was lined with brick walls and beautiful gardens. There were also bright vines drifting up the side of the house. The front of the house had a line of french windows. The inside of the house was just as elaborate as the outside.

Anonymous said...

The Buchannan residence is a very elegant and expensive home. That poses no problem for Tom considering he came from a wealthy upbringing. The house is full of wealthy objects and is described magnificent as a whole. Some notible characteristics are the brick hallway and the patio (porch) where Nick enjoyed dinner on. It is blatently obvious that the house was very expensive and the owners are obviously wealthy. The home resides on East Egg in New York just like Nick's house does.

Chuck Barbaro said...

The Buchannans live in an enormouse house. The outside is full of windows and has a very tidy lawn and garden. The house also has a porch. Inside the house is full of expensive fancy items.

Danielle Sugrue said...

The Buchannans house is located on East Egg. His house was overlooking the bay. it was a cheerful red adn white Geogian Colonial masion. His lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quater of a mile. His front door was borken by a line of French windows, glowing with relfection of gold. As you can tell, their house is very beautiful and must be very nice to live in.

Danielle Sugrue said...
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Carolina Veloso said...

The Buchanon's house is a large and fancy house that overlooks the bay, it has a beautiful yard with a spectacular view of the water. It is a colonial mansion filled will elegance and beauty. Their house reflects the Buchanon's life because you can tell someone rich lives in it.

Alyssa Sullivan said...

The Buchannans lived across the bay from the Gatsby's mansion. Its described as a white palace of fashionable East Egg and it was along the water. The house has a beautiful yard with a garden and the inside is filled with expensive items.

Anonymous said...

The Buchannans live in a very nice house across the river from Gatsby in the East Egg. The house has alot of windows in the front of it. The inside of the house is also as nice looking ans the outside.