Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Great Gatsby Chapter 2 Question 4

Describe the violent act Tom comitted against Myrtle. What does this reveal about him?


josh the BIG GUY said...

Tom broke Mrs. Wilson's nose with his open palm. this tells me that he is abusive and that he is a woman beater.

denisgingras said...

Tom punched Mrs. Wilson in the face and broke her nose. This tells me that he has a very short temper and takes out his anger in violent ways. Also, he hit her because she was saying his wife's name which shows that he does love his wife.

Ian Conway said...

Tom broke Myrtle's nose after she asked him about his wife. This tells me that he is agressive and may not have any moral standardds, seeing as he did not thik twice about hitting her or, even after, apologize. Also it is faily good indicator that he has no moral standards seeing as the woman he hit was the woman he was cheating on his wife with.

Dan McCarthy said...

Tom breaks Myrtle's nose when Myrtle refuses to stop mentioning Daisy. This violent action reveals that tom has a very short temper. It is very obvious that he has no or very little respect or care for women when he strikes the women who is currently his mistress. The aggressive response to Daisy's name though shows that is not open to hearing about his betrayal. Tom braking Myrtle's nose shows that he is both an angry and cruel man.

Cam Shepard said...

Tom broke Myrtle's nose with a straight punch. He does this because Myrtle wouldn't stop bringing up Daisy. This tells me that Tom has no regard for any woman, let alone his mistress. He is violent man and has a short temper.

Lisa Russell said...

Tom hit Mrs. Wilson in the face with his "open palm" and resulted in her breaking her nose. This might hint that Tom is abusive and he might have a problem controlling his anger and aggression. To me, knowing that Tom had actually hit Mrs. Wilson and broke her nose, shows that he has very little, if any, respect for women.

Derek Stemmler said...

Tom hits Myrtle in the face with his “open palm”, breaking her nose. The anger that caused him to do this was brought on at a party while Myrtle was drunk and chanted Daisy’s name after Tom specifically told her not to mention his wife. This violent and unnecessary act shows that Tom has an extremely short temper, and does not have to patience to deal with nonsense. It also proves that he is very aggressive and violent, and does not treat women with respect. It further shows the low points of his character.

Vanessa Domond said...

In the chapter, Tom punches Mrs. Wilson's nose, breaking it. Though Myrtle encouraged the fight by yelling Daisy, Tom should have not acted in this manner. This shows that Tom has a violent personality and can crack easily when tormented with childish actions.

Alyssa Sullivan said...

Tom broke Mrs. Wilson's nose. This tell me that he obviously doesnt think before he acts and that he has a very short temper.

bobby teoli said...

The violent act Tom committed against Myrtle is when he slapped her and broke her nose in the process. This shows you that Tom is a violent person that cannot control his anger and he takes it out on other people.

Danielle Sugrue said...

The violent act that Tom commits to Myrtyle's is that after he asks him about his wife, Tom punched Mrs. Wilson in her face and ended up breaking her nose. He may have gotten upset because something must of happened to his wife that he did not want to discuss and let his anger and frustration out physically.

Danielle Sugrue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kayla Reynolds said...

The violent act that Tom committed against myrtile was that when he was drunk at the party, he hit her in the face with his open palm and broke her nose. He did this because they were arguing over wheather or not myrtile has the right to say Daisy's name. Myrtile begins to say it over and over again, and before she can say it one more time Tom hits her and shuts her up. This shows that Tom is not a very nice man and also that he is a very violent man as well.

Chuck Barbaro said...

Tom hit Myrtle in the face with an open palm punch and broke her nose. This shows how aggresive and cold hearted he is. It shows that he cant handle things when they dont go exactly how they wishes for them to go. If someone doesnt listen to him, he will instantly resort to violence, whether your male or female.

larry said...

Tom breaks her nose when she talks about his wife. This shows that he for one loves his wife more then it seems when he is around her. It also shows that he has a hard time controlling his anger.

Sean Keane said...

Tom breaks Myrtles nose by punching her in the face. He does this because she was saying his wifes name repeatedly. This shows that Tom has a temper and is violent

girleen73 said...

I think the ease with which Tom breaks Myrtle's nose reveals the lack of respect he has for lower classes. Tom mocks Myrtle before he hits her, earlier in the evening saying she should introduce the photographer to her husband, George, knowing full well that her husband could never afford portraits and that people like Myrtle don't "extend introductions." Nick details the feigned manners Myrtle employs as she gets more and more "affected." No doubt, Tom too notices all of this, the ways her speech, movements and gestures are crass and large, in opposition to Daisy's, which are delicate, refined and fey-like. Tom believes Myrtle is beneath him and gets a thrill out of slumming - he breaks her nose because he can, because he has paid to treat her however he likes. I highly doubt he would do the same to Daisy, because Daisy is of his class.