Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Great Gatsby Chapter 3 Question 3

What rumors have been told about Gatsby? Why does Fitzgerald reveal rumors rather than fact?


Dan McCarthy said...

There are many rumors about Gatsby, some being very curious. One rumor is that Gatsby killed a man. Another is that Gatsby was merely a German spy in the war. There is no evidence or fact behind these accusations and that is exactly how Fitzgerald made it. Fitzgerald reveal rumors rather than facts to show the mystery of this man. He uses these rumors to show how ridiculous stories can become through imagination and how little people can really know about a person.

Ian Conway said...

A few of the many rumors about Gatsby are that he is the relative of a german kaiser, a german spy, killed a man, was from a wealthy family from the west, and was even a bootlegger. Fitzgerald has only revealed the rumors because Gatsby's appearence is as mysterous as his personality. No one is quite sure who he is and all of their wonder contributes to the reader's wonder

Kayla Reynolds said...

There are rumors about Gatsby that he once killed a man. Another rumor was that Gatsby was a german spy in the war. There is nothing to prove these rumors true. I think Fitzgerald made rumors about him instead of facts because it makes the story more interesting with the fact that no one knows who Gatsby really is. He is still a mysterious man and that makes you want to read more to find out who he really is.

Lisa Russell said...

Many rumors have been told about Gatsby. One of these rumors was that he had actually killed a man. Another rumor was that he was a German spy in the war. The people actually don't know if this is true, they only know from what they hear from other people. Fitzgerald reveals rumors instead of facts, i believe, because he knows that Gatsby will never do anything about it because he is always hiding out away from the world. I also think he does this so that he can get more attention for himself.

Olivia Fuller said...

The rumors that Gatsby killed a man, and was a spy for the germans in the war are contantly floating around in the novel, there is also another rumor that he attended Oxford. I believe that Fitgerald gives the reader rumor intead of fact because he wants us to make our own judement of Gastby. He wants the reader to see Gastby as the characters do.

Sean Keane said...

There are many rumors about Gatsby. They are that he killed a man, was a German spy, a bootlegger, or that he was from a rich family. Fitzgerald said these because Gatsby is a very mysterious man. These rumors just make Gatsby more and more mysterious.

Derek Stemmler said...

While at the party, Nick hears several rumors spreading about Gatsby. He hears that Gatsby was a German spy during the war. He also hears that Gatsby is a graduate of Oxford University and once killed a man. There are rumors how he was a bootlegger and was from a wealthy family in the west. Nobody is certain that these facts are true, and that is why Fitzgerald included them in the book. Gatsby is such a mysterious person, and nobody knows the truth about him. By including these rumors instead of facts, Fitzgerald is able to give Gatsby his mysterious personality and makes the reader want to find out the truth.

Anonymous said...

During the party, Nick hears several rumors about Gatsby. One of the most shocking rumors has to have been that Gatsby killed a man. Another interesting rumor that was spread was that Gatsby was a German spy during the time of the war. Fitzgerald does not make these facts because he wants to keep the reader as well as the main character Nick always thinking and wondering about the mysterious Gatsby.

Vanessa Domond said...

There were many rumors revealed in this chapter. They included that Gatsby was a German Spy, and another that he even killed another man. I believe Fitzgerald shared these rumors with other guests to make the mystery of Gatsby more intriguing. He also may have done this out of jealousy for Gatsby

larry said...

The rumors about Gatsby are all very extreme stories about him. Many are about him being German. Some even say that he is a German spy or the son of an important German officer. Another rumor is that he killed a man and thats why he avoids people. This rumors show how if people do not know much about someone that they will jump to conclusions and make up stories that make him seem more like a legend then a person.

denisgingras said...

There are many different rumors going around about gatsby. One rumor is that Gatsby is an Oxford man. Another rumor that is more interesting was the rumor that he had killed someone.

Anonymous said...

There are many rumors going around about Gatsby. Rumors like that Gatsby has killed a man and that he was a spy in the war. The author revealed these rumors because he wants to show the mystery behind Jay Gatsby.

Unknown said...

Gatsby killed a man, and was a Germman spy in the war. I'm from 2022