Friday, December 12, 2008

The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 Question 5

How does T. J. Eckleberg affect Mr. Wilson?


Anonymous said...

He affects Mr. Wilson by getting Mr. Wilson into religion and the love for god.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Pat. T.J. Eckleberg is attempting to help Wilson because of the death of his wife. Wilson is in a terrible state of sickness due to the death of his wife. He no longer does not want to do anything but just sit in his garage. T.J. is a source of faith that could or could not help Wilson. I believe that he will not help Wilson because he seems hopless at this point.

Dan McCarthy said...

T.j. Eckleberg, the doctor on the advertisement with the huge eyes, gives Wilson the impression that someone is always watching you. He told his wife that God sees everything and in his unstable state i think he sees the eyes on the sign as God. Wilson feels that the eyes are controlling and watching him.

Derek Stemmler said...

After the accident, Wilson sees t he eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg and becomes completely overwhelmed by them. Because of the strong power the eyes hold, he believes that they are the eyes of God. He then thinks that whoever killed Myrtle must have been her lover, then deciding that God wants him to seek revenge. He then goes out searching for the owner of the car. These eyes are so powerful to him that they will make him think a certain way, leading him to act on what he thinks. The eyes are very controlling.

Maria said...

Ecklebrg tries to help Wilson cope with the death of his wife. He tells Wilson that he should go to Church.

Vanessa Domond said...

T. J. Eckleberg affects Mr. Wilson by bringing him religion. He compairs the eyes of eckleberg as the eyes of god. Because of this he becomes determined to find his wifes murder.

Arianna Miranda said...

Pat. T.J. Eckleberg helps Wilson due to the fall of his late wife. Eckleberg is Wilson's last hope to freeness of body and soul.

Danielle Sugrue said...

T.J Eckleberg affets Mr. Wilson by trying to help him through the death of his wife. All Mr. WIlson wants to do it just sit in his garage, T.J is going to try to do what he can to help him, but it may not turn out the way he wants it to.

Danielle Sugrue said...
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denisgingras said...

I agree with Derek, Wilson saw Eckleberg's advertisment as if they were Gods eyes. He felt that they were controlling him and wanted him to seek revenge on his wifes killer. He thought that whoever killed her was her lover but it actually was Gatsby.

Chuck Barbaro said...

T.J. Eckleberg effects Mr. Wilson because he is giving him a sense of hope. After Mr. Wilson's wife past away, he did nothing but sit around. Now Mr. Eckleberg is bringing in a new faith for Mr. Wilson, one that tells him there is still a reason to live.

Kayla Reynolds said...

T.J. Eckleberg affects Mr. Wilson because he is trying to help him. After the death of his wife, Mr. Wilson is not the same person. He is very depresed and T.J. is trying to be there for him and give his a sence of hope.

Ian Conway said...

T. J. Eckleberg helps Wilson cope with the death of his wife. Wilson does not care about anything and sits in his garage all day but T. J. Eckleberg helps change it by making Wilson realized that there is som higher power watching over him. His eyes watching over the "valley of ashes" are a constant reminder that someone is watching him.

Cam Shepard said...

T.J. Eckleberg affects Mr. Wilson by helping him cope with his wife's death. He tells him that God is watching and that he should go to church.